Numerical Aperture Calculator

This calculator helps you determine the numerical aperture (NA) and acceptance angle of an optical fiber based on its core and cladding refractive indices. Here’s a breakdown of the calculator and its proper usage:

1. Inputs:

  • Core Refractive Index: Enter the refractive index of the fiber’s core material. This value is typically provided by the fiber manufacturer or found in relevant datasheets.
  • Cladding Refractive Index: Enter the refractive index of the cladding material surrounding the core.

  • Click the “Calculate” button to initiate the calculation based on your input values.

2. Results:

  • Numerical Aperture (NA): This field displays the calculated NA value, a crucial parameter indicating the light gathering ability and acceptance angle of the fiber. Higher NA signifies better light collection efficiency.
  • Acceptance Angle (degrees): This field shows the acceptance angle in degrees. It represents the maximum range of angles at which light can enter the fiber and propagate through the core.

  • Click the “Reset” button to clear the input fields and result values if you want to perform a new calculation with different refractive indices.

Important Considerations When Using the Calculator:

  • Ensure you enter valid numerical values for the core and cladding refractive indices.
  • The refractive indices are material properties specific to the fiber you’re interested in. Consult the fiber manufacturer’s specifications to obtain accurate values.
  • This calculator assumes a perfectly concentric fiber with a sharp core-cladding interface. In real-world fibers, slight imperfections might exist, causing slight variations in NA compared to the calculated value.

Relevant formulas for above calculations:

  • Numerical Aperture (NA):
  • Acceptance Angle (degrees):

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