You can find here, all the calculations and conversions related to fiber optic technology. We are always dedicated to your convenience. So, If you have any suggestions or complaints, please comment or contact us.

Input OSNR (dB): Input Signal Power (dBm): Noise Figure (dB): Channel Bandwidth (Hz): Frequency of …

Decibels (dB): Percentage (%): Multiplier: Gain (%): Calculate Reset This calculator is designed to help …

Enter Ambient Temperature °C°FK Enter Bandwidth HzmHzkHzMHzGHz Noise Power: Calculate Reset The Thermal Noise Power …

Beam diameter at lens (1/e²) μmmmcm Lens focal length mmcm Wavelength pmnmμmmm Beam quality M² …

Fiber Type: Select Fiber Type (Optional)Step-IndexGraded-Index Core Diameter (μm): Numerical Aperture (NA): Estimated Bandwidth-Length Product …

Laser Frequency (ν): THzGHzMHzkHzHz Typical range: kHz – THz Cavity Linewidth (Γ): THzGHzMHzkHzHz Typical range: …

Cable Diameter: μm (micrometers)mm (millimeters)cm (centimeters)in (inches) Under Tension Bend Radius: After Installation Bend Radius: …

Core Refractive Index: Cladding Refractive Index: Numerical Aperture (NA): Acceptance Angle (degrees): Calculate Reset This …

Index of Refraction Mode: RelativeAbsolute Speed in Medium 1: m/s (meters per second)km/s (kilometers per …

Attenuation Coefficient (dB/km) Select…3 dB/km (Multi Mode – 850nm)0.8 dB/km (Multi Mode – 1300nm)0.4 dB/km …

dBm to mW Converter dBm mW W kW MW Reset Here, you can convert decibel …

Core Radius μmnm Numerical Aperture Wavelength μmnmpm Fundamental Mode Field Diameter Calculate Reset Here, we …